Community Centre

A community centre for residents in the north west of the City?
Barbican Estate Office email broadcast
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A community centre for residents in the north west of the City?

Message sent on behalf of the BA:

Dear Resident in the north west of the City of London
The changing demographics of the resident population in the north west of the City include an increasing number of children and a large number of elderly people, all requiring increasing demands on Social Services. Furthermore, the City of London Community and Education Centre on Golden Lane will soon be closed, and it will need a new permanent home from which to deliver its services.
Many of these needs, and of the growing population as a whole, would be met by establishing a combined facility, including the Library, IT space, and several multi–purpose rooms capable of serving the Library, the Community Education Centre, and a Community Centre function. It could also include more specialised facilities if the need was established. These could include the establishment of a crèche, a clinical centre (e.g. for vaccinations, dressings, foot care, falls prevention) and social amenities (meeting facilities for clubs and coffee mornings, and areas for woodwork, arts, and crafts).
It seems that there might be an opportunity to set up a community centre/facility because the City is looking at future uses of Exhibition Hall 1 in Golden Lane. But any possibility of bringing these diverse (yet related) social, health and educational facilities together in a single area would require a clear statement from local residents and their representative groups on the desirability of such a venture. We are therefore inviting any resident who is interested in having such a community centre and would be willing to help communicate with their fellow residents (for example in getting a survey of residents underway) and build a case for a community centre to come exploratory discussions in St Giles’s Church* at 7.00 pm Wednesday 30 March.
Best wishes
Jane Smith, Tim Macer (from the Barbican Association), John Lumley and Randall Anderson (common councilmen for Aldersgate ward)
*St Giles' Cripplegate Church
Fore Street
London EC2Y 8DA
The church is in the Barbican estate and is reached by the entrance at the junction of Wood Street and Fore Street


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